Morningstar Office
If you've already downloaded Morningstar Office, you should have a new icon on your desktop. Double-click it to launch the program.
If you have not downloaded and installed Morningstar Office yet, follow the Installation Instructions below.
System Requirements
  • Internet connection: cable modem, DSL
  • At least 2GB of free disk space
  • 4GB of RAM recommended
  • Windows 8, Windows 8.1 or Windows 10
  • Internet Explorer 9 or above
  • Minimum monitor resolution: 1024 x 768
  • Adobe Acrobat Reader 9.0 or above
  • Microsoft® Excel 2007 or above
  • Microsoft® Word 2007 or above
  • Microsoft® PowerPoint 2007 or above
Installation Instructions
  1. Click the Download button below. The File Download dialog box appears.
  2. Click Save and save the file, awsinstaller.exe, to a location in your desktop. The Download Complete dialog box appears.
  3. Click Run. You will see an Internet Explorer Security Warning: Do you want to run this software. Please verify that the publisher is Morningstar Inc.
  4. Click Run to begin installation immediately. (If you click Close, you can double-click the file saved in step 2 at any time to run it.) The first screen of the InstallShield Wizard appears.
  5. Awsinstaller starts checking your environment to determine what components need to be installed.
  6. For first-time users, Morningstar Office prerequisites will be installed. Please accept any user agreements and click Next.
  7. Read the license agreement, then click Yes to accept it. The Choose Destination Location dialog box appears.
  8. On the Customer Information page, choose to install the application for anyone who uses the computer or just for me.
  9. Accept the default location [C:\Program Files\Morningstar\Morningstar Office], or click Change to select a new location.
  10. Click OK. Morningstar Office begins copying files to your computer.
  11. Click Finish. Morningstar Office is now loaded on your computer.
Launch Instructions
  1. Click the Morningstar Office icon on your desktop or choose Morningstar Office from Start -> Program Files. The Log In dialog box appears.
  2. Type the e-mail address and password you set up when you registered for Morningstar Office.
  3. Click Login. Morningstar Office is launched.