How to Determine Security Type and Price Source

Determining if a Security is User-defined

One of the most important elements in Morningstar Office is determining which type of security is within the accounts. There are two types of security records in Office, Morningstar Tracked and User-defined.

There are three ways to determine if a Security is user-defined and can be edited. From the Holding Summary within any Client account, under the Portfolio Management tab, Securities in Accounts page, and within the Definition Master.

From the Holding Summary within a Client Account

  1. Click on the Client Management tab, which defaults to opening the Clients page.

  2. Double-click on a client record from the grid to open it. The client defaults to the Accounts page.

  3. Double-click on an account record from the grid to open it. The account defaults to the Holdings Summary page.

  4. From the Holdings Summary grid, right-click on a security.

  5. If Edit Security is an available menu option, this indicates it is a user-defined security.

From the Portfolio Management tab, Securities in Accounts Page

  1. Select the Portfolio Management tab, and then the Securities in Accounts page.

  2. Right-click on a security.

  3. If Edit Security is an available menu option, this indicates it is a user-defined security.

From the Definition Master

  1. From the top menu in Office, select Tools, and then Edit Definition Master.

  2. From the left-hand side of the screen, click on the Securities page under the User-Defined Securities section. All of your user-defined securities are listed on this grid.

  3. If you right-click on any of the securities, the Edit option is available.

Determining the Price Source

Morningstar Office allows you to choose from two price sources, imported prices, or Morningstar price.

There are two ways to determine which price source is being used within the Definition Master, and from the Holding Summary under the Client Management tab.

From the Holding Summary within a Client Account

  1. Click on the Client Management tab, which defaults to opening the Clients page.

  2. Double-click on a client record from the grid to open it. The client defaults to the Accounts page.

  3. Double-click on an account record from the grid to open it. The account defaults to the Holdings Summary page.

  4. From the Holdings Summary grid, located the Price Source column which will indicate the Price Source for the security.

From the Definition Master

  1. From the top menu in Office, select Tools, and then Edit Definition Master.

    There are two sections within the Definition Master that will need to be looked at to determine which price is being used.

See Also

Understanding Security Mapping