Misaligned Securities

If you plan to leverage the performance reporting and client billing features in Morningstar Office, you should be aware of two items that may impact data accuracy. They are incorrect security mapping and missing prices for securities.

Incorrect Security Mapping

Incorrect security mappings between the information sent from your custodian and the corresponding security in Office may occur with equities, exchange-traded funds, and closed-end funds that use a ticker previously used by a now-delisted security. For example, if the ticker FB was originally used by a firm known as FBR Asset Management, but is now used by Facebook, the import process may identify the security (and associated price) with FBR Asset Management, when it should be Facebook.

You can view a list of reused tickers by clicking here . Our collection of re-used ticker symbols is on-going and updated periodically.

Missing Security Prices

If a security is missing a price for a certain date, Office utilizes the most recent available price to calculate the security’s market value. Report warnings display the dates for which a security is missing prices and the most recent price being used to calculate the security’s market value. Because of potential incorrect security mappings and stale prices, an Office report may display an incorrect holding and, possibly, an incorrect market value for that holding. These potential inaccuracies can impact management fee, asset allocation, and investment performance calculations.

You can detect and correct security mapping issues and stale prices by referencing this guide .

Use the Data Management Reports and Tools guide to assist in ensuring accurate and complete data in Office. 


See Also

Re-used Ticker Symbol Reference List

Identifying and Correcting Misaligned Securities

Data Management Reports and Tools

Security Pricing Alerts