Click here to watch the 3.18 New Release Features Video
Portfolio Accounting and Reporting
Enhancement to the Exporting Account Positions by Lots Tool
Tools > Export > Positions by Lots
You can now schedule your Positions by Lots exports to later upload to your partner rebalance tool, to occur either daily or weekly. Once exported, you can then upload files to the following rebalancing tools:
• iRebal
• Total Rebalance Expert (TrX)
• TradeWarrior
• Redblack Rebalance Express
• Envestnet
• Tamarac (Advisor Rebalancing)
Click here for detailed instructions on how schedule your export.
Filter for Business type/Advisor Client Accounts now available when running Batch Reports
Reports > Batch Schedule > Targets
You can now filter accounts by “Business type” field in account profile when selecting the accounts you want to include in a batch report. This new feature will allow you to exclude any non-advisory accounts when running batch reports for your clients.
In order to filter for Business Type/Advisor, you must first manually enter Business Type/Advisor into the Account Profile for all Client Accounts that you ware managing. To access the Account Profile, complete the following steps:
1. Double click on each Account you want to update.
2. Click Profile/Settings … Account Profile.
3. Use the drop down menu under Business type and select Advisor.
Once your account fields are updated, select Advisory Client Accounts when you Specify your Target Pool within your Batch Schedule.
Security enhanced when Replacing Securities
Tools > Definition Master > Security Mapping > Security > Action > Security Replacement
When replacing securities, stronger warning messages are now in place to help protect you from replacing securities incorrectly.
Report Studio
New “Sort by” Option Available for Four Components
Report Studio > Home > Template
Report Studio> Component > Settings tab
You can now choose whether you want to sort by Asset Class Order, Alphabetically or by Market Value for the following four components:
• Portfolio Evaluation
• Portfolio Period Performance
• Portfolio Asset Allocation Table
• Portfolio Asset Allocation Chart
You can set your sorting preference at either the Template level or the individual component/group level. To set your sort preference at the template level, click Home … Template.
If desired, you can override your Template level sort by preference at the individual component/group level. To change your sort by setting at the component level, click on Chart/Table Settings, and select your sort by preference at each Grouping level.
Client Information Management
File Size increase for the Client Web Portal
Your clients can now upload files as large as 50 MB to the Client Web Portal.
Investment Planning
Ticker Column added to the Allocate Page
Investment Planning > Plan > Allocate
To help distinguish between securities during the allocation process within the Investment Planning tool, a new ticker column has been added.
Wealth Forecasting Engine Enhancement
Investment Planning > Plan
The Wealth Forecasting Engine has been replaced with the most updated version available from Morningstar. This engine is structured to enable us to more readily enhance Planning tool features based on Morningstar Total Wealth thought leadership. There will be subtle differences in results compared to the previous version because methodology applied by the updated wealth forecasting engine is more sophisticated, particularly with regard to social security and inflation modeling.
Individual Help Buttons now available within the Integrations enrollment page
Home > Settings > Integrations
To help better assist you in your enrollment to several of Morningstar Office’s integration partners, we have added individual Help buttons next to each integration enrollments option.
Two New Morningstar Office Integrations now Available
Morningstar Office has integrated with the following tools to enhance your Morningstar Office experience:
RiskAlyze – advisors who subscribe to RiskAlyze will be able to pull client account information from Morningstar directly into RiskAlyze, and calculate a risk tolerance that best fits with the client's portfolio.
Money Tree TOTAL – Advisors who also subscribe to MoneyTree TOTAL access Morningstar client data in TOTAL Online, streamlining the process of entering current asset information to create and update financial plans.
Visit Help > Contents and Index > Integrations for more detailed information about these and other Morningstar Office Integrations.