Setting Preferences

  1. In the left navigation pane, click Home. The Home area opens.

  2. In the left-hand column, click Settings. The Settings screen opens.

  3. Under Portfolio Accounting System Settings, click Preferences. The Preferences dialog opens.

  4. Click the Display Currency drop-down to select what currency you want displayed. The default is United States of America, Dollars.

  5. If you want to include your company's logo on your reports, you can set that up here. In the Add Logo to Cover Page field, click the magnifying glass icon. Browse to the image file and click OK.

Note: The cover page logo must be in GIF or JPEG format. The maximum display size is 265.5 pixels by 100 pixels. Logos larger than these dimensions will be resized down. Logos smaller than these dimensions will be displayed as is. Larger logos are recommended to improve the dpi of the display.

  1. The file path appears in the Add Logo to Cover Page field.

  2. If you want to add a footer logo, in the Add Logo to Footer field, click the magnifying glass icon. Browse to the image file and click OK.

Note: The footer logo must be in GIF or JPEG format. The maximum display size is 70 pixels by 40 pixels. Logos larger than these dimensions will be resized down. Logos smaller than these dimensions will be displayed as is. Larger logos are recommended to improve the dpi of the display.

  1. The file path appears in the Add Logo to Footer field.

  2. To remove either the cover page logo and/or footer logo, highlight and delete the file path(s).

  3. You can also check boxes for the following options:

  4. To exclude securities from management fee and/or performance calculation, click the Exclude Securities button to select securities.

  5. In the Capital Flow Limit for TWR Calculation (%) box, you can enter a percentage.

  6. In the Import Setting area, click the radio button for Use Morningstar Default Data, When Available or Use Imported Data.

  7. To create an exchange filter, click Set Exchange Filter.

  8. To create a currency filter, click Set Currency Filter.

  9. Click Save + Close. Your preferences are saved.

Note: Only one set of preferences is allowed. Preferences are applied at the user level.