Trade Blotter

The Trade Blotter displays transactions that are generated in conjunction with rebalancing based on the portfolio model assigned at the account level. These transactions can be added to a trade file and then passed to your custodian for implementation of the trades. This feature is available from the main menu under Tools, Trade Blotter and from the Import screen, Trade Blotter.

Menu Options

Action Drop-down

Delete - Place a checkmark next to the transaction(s) to be deleted. From the Action menu, select Delete. Confirm the deletion by clicking Yes on the confirmation screen. Click No to cancel the deletion.

Export - Selected transactions can be exported to Excel as an XLS or CSV file.

Print - Select the transactions to be included on a report and then from the Action menu, select Print.

Generate Trade File - Select the transaction(s) to be included and then from the Action menu, select Generate Trade File. This file can then be passed to your custodian to execute the trades.

Update Trade Status - Once a transaction has been added to a trade file to be executed, the status should be updated. Select the transaction(s) to be updated, then from the Action menu, select Update Trade Status. When prompted, use the drop-down menu to select either Generated or Sent.  Generated indicates the trade has been included in a trade file but not yet sent to the custodian. Sent indicates the trade has been sent to the custodian for execution. If you select Sent, you will also need to set the Date order sent value to the desired date.  Click OK to confirm the change or Cancel to exit without making any changes.  


To manually add a trade, click the New button to add a row to the grid.


The View option allows you to see All Orders or to limit the grid to New Orders, File-generated Orders, or Orders Sent. The New Orders are those generated through the rebalancing process, File-generated Orders and Orders Sent are those whose status has been changed through the Update Trade Status option.

Map Custodian Ticker

The Map Custodian Ticker option allows you to associate Morningstar Tickers with a corresponding Custodian Ticker. This ensures the trade is executed corrected when sent to the custodian.

Date Range Search

Click the Date Range Search button and enter a start and end date to locate orders that have been sent or records that were updated within the search criteria.


Click the Save button to commit any changes that may have been made manually to the transaction records.


Select any transaction records by placing a checkmark next to them, then click the Export button to save the information to an Excel XLS or CSV file.


Select any transaction records to be included on a report and then click the Print button.


Click the Help icon to open a Help related topic.

Search For

The Search For option allows you to search for a specific transaction or group of transactions. Enter the search criteria in the blank box, then select where you want to conduct the search from the drop-down menu.


Use the lock/unlock feature to prevent a trade transaction from being processed. Select the transaction(s) by placing a checkmark in the corresponding box, then click the Lock icon to disable that transaction. Select a locked transaction and click the Unlock icon to make the trade live.


See Also

Rebalancing Accounts/Clients/Groups Attached to a Model