The Setting Assignments dialog box allows you to change the settings for clients, groups, or accounts without having to open multiple records.
To change a setting, do the following:
From the top menu in Office, go to Tools, Settings, and then Setting Assignments.
From the left-hand side of the screen, select Client, Group, or Account settings.
To change only one record, scroll along the row for the client, group, or account you want to edit. Some columns offer drop-down menu selections, while others offer a lookup magnifying glass. Make the changes to the individual record, and then click the Save button at the top of the grid.
Note: You can also place a checkmark in the box to select a record, then from the Action menu on the toolbar above the grid, click Edit, Default Settings to open the record and update multiple settings at once.
To apply the settings for one client or account to all records, place a checkmark in the box to select a record, then from the Action menu on the toolbar above the grid, click Apply to All, and then click on the setting you want to apply.
To apply the settings for one client to selected clients, place a checkmark in the boxes corresponding with all records you want to update with the same settings.
At the bottom of the grid, click on the red checkmark that specifies how many records are selected. This opens a grid displaying only those records.
Clear the checkboxes for all records; then re-select the record that contains the settings you want to broadcast to the other records.
From the Action menu on the toolbar above the grid, click Apply to All, and then click on the setting you want to apply to these records.
Click on the Save button at the top of the grid to save your changes.
Note: To create a new Report setting, Tax Lot Method setting, Transaction setting, or Management Fee setting, click on the Settings button at the top of the grid; then click the New Setting button from that screen. Click here for more information on creating these settings.
See Also